If you are facing a divorce, you should consider mediation as it can help you avoid the pitfalls of litigation, including the cost, time spent, and the emotional toll. Please continue reading to learn what happens during each stage of this alternative process and how a knowledgeable Nassau County Divorce Mediator can help you reach a mutually beneficial divorce settlement agreement. 

What Can I Expect During Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is an alternative to litigation. To successfully navigate divorce mediation, you need to have a clear understanding of each stage of this alternative process. First, you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse will meet with a trained, neutral third party in an informal setting. During your first session, the mediator will try to gather as much information as possible to identify the issues that need to be resolved. They will inquire about what you and your spouse agree on, and what you still need to work out.

The mediator will discuss the general legal rules that apply to the issues in your divorce. For instance, the mediator will likely explain New York property division laws, introduce you to the state’s child support guidelines, or give examples of how judges make spousal support determinations. This helps couples grasp what will happen if the court were to decide these issues, enabling them to make informed decisions during settlement negotiations.

After the mediator has helped spouses frame their issues and interests, they will begin the negotiation process. Typically, the mediator will offer alternative ways for spouses to settle each issue in the divorce. With the mediator’s guidance, spouses will brainstorm and evaluate their options, until they have compiled a list of mutually beneficial solutions. It’s important to keep in mind this will involve compromises and concessions on both sides. They will discuss their desired outcomes and reasons for wanting these outcomes, as well as their concerns and priorities. It’s important to keep in mind that it’s not always possible to negotiate an agreement that fully satisfies all of each party’s interests.

However, when spouses have reached an agreement on the terms that will apply to the termination of their marriage, the mediator will help spouses draft a divorce settlement agreement. Once a settlement has been reached, both parties must sign the agreement and file it with the court, requesting the judge to incorporate it into the final divorce decree.

When facing a divorce, it’s in your best interest to secure the assistance of a seasoned divorce mediator from the Law Offices of Eyal Talasssazan, who can help you understand your rights and safeguard your interests. Connect with our firm today to learn more about what we can do for you.