If you have decided to end your marriage, you may have hoped that your spouse would approach the negotiations in good faith to resolve things as quickly and amicably as possible. Unfortunately, however, divorces can quickly turn contentious. In some cases, they may even go beyond contentious, where one spouse resorts to dirty tactics such as making false allegations against the other. If this happens, it’s essential to take the necessary steps to protect your rights. Please continue reading to learn how to navigate false accusations during a New York divorce and how a trusted Garden City Divorce Lawyer can help you fight back. 

Why would my ex-partner make false accusations against me?

It’s natural to wonder why your former partner would go out of their way to make false allegations against you during divorce proceedings. However, it would be best to refrain from responding until you’ve consulted a qualified attorney who can help you determine the best course of action to safeguard your rights.

Sometimes, a spouse may resort to making false accusations during a divorce because they feel betrayed, which is their way of seeking revenge. In other cases, they may make false allegations to gain an unfair advantage to achieve a more desirable outcome. Unfortunately, there are various reasons why your ex-partner may decide to make false allegations against you. The following include but are not limited to some examples of what your former spouse may falsely accuse you of:

  • Adultery: Your spouse may falsely accuse you of infidelity to pursue a fault-based divorce and receive a more desirable alimony order.
  • Child abuse: Unfortunately, your spouse may falsely accuse you of being an unfit parent to receive a more desirable child custody, visitation, and support arrangement.
  • Domestic violence: In some cases, your spouse may falsely accuse you of domestic violence to get the court to be more sympathetic, leading to a more desirable alimony order.
  • Property division: This most commonly occurs in high-net-worth divorces. However, your spouse may falsely accuse you of hiding or significantly undervaluing assets to receive a more favorable alimony or property division order.

If you can prove your spouse’s allegations against you are false, they will face various consequences, such as being held in contempt of court and subject to criminal charges. Sometimes, the court may even order the guilty spouse to pay the accused’s legal fees.

How Should I Handle False Allegations During Divorce Proceedings in New York?

One of the best ways to handle false allegations during divorce proceedings is to stick to the facts and avoid letting your emotions cloud your judgment. While it can be disheartening to learn of this betrayal, it’s important to avoid communication with your ex-partner. In addition, you should be as transparent as possible, disclosing all necessary information with your lawyer.

Nevertheless, the most critical step you should take to handle false allegations is enlisting the help of a determined Garden City divorce lawyer who can help you collect and present pertinent evidence that points to your ex-partner’s history of dishonesty and inconsistencies in their claims. At the Law Offices of Eyal Talassazan, P.C., we are prepared to help you protect your rights and interests during divorce proceedings.